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tv   Today  NBC  November 3, 2015 7:00am-10:01am PST

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>> that will be. >> take surface streets. >> we'll have a local news update in half an hour. >> enjoy the early sunrise. thanks a lot, daylight savings. good morning. . good morning. going their own way. the republican candidates briefly unified splinter again over their debate demands, as president obama takes a swipe mocking the republican field's beef with debate moderators. >> if you can't handle those guys, then i don't think the chinese and the russians are going to be too worried about you. >> this morning our new poll with a decisive lead for ben carson. has trump lost his lead for good? >> mid-air explosion. the deepening mystery over the deadly cash of that russian passenger plane. while u.s. officials are ruling out a missile strike but still investigating whether there could have been a bomb on board. >> flying high.
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why former band boy nick lachey stands to make millions if ohio voters legalize marijuana today, that is if another measure on the ballot doesn't kill his buzz. >> and hello record books. ♪ >> that's adele's new single. more downloads in the first week than any in history. on tuesday, november 3, 2015. >> announcer: from nbc news, this is "today" with savannah guthrie and matt lauer. >> she's coming on november 25th. you can just sit here and wait. >> a lot of people into that
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song already. you've been singing it all morning. you're kind of crushing it also, not in the same way, though. we'll wait for adele. >> one year to go in the presidential election and our new wall street journal poll has ben carson surging. we'll start in washington with nbc national correspondent peter alexander. good morning to you. >> good morning to you. this race is now just getting good. the big headline this morning that ben carson has shot up 7 points in less than two weeks. that drops donald trump to second. 50% of republicans picked carson as either their first or second choice and while the depth of that support has yet to be tested, he's already proven to be a force in this field. dr. ben carson signing books and shaking hand but leaving opponents shaking their heads. a new poll shows carson surging into the lead at 29%, the
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highest number for any republican so far this season. 6 points ahead of donald trump. carson's support is strongest among evangelical and female voters. ev 77% said they could see themselves supporting him. >> i continue to do what i'm doing, which is tell the truth to the people. >> marco rubio's debate performance vaulted him into third place nationally and in the critical early primary state of new hampshire. >> i think he's an overrated person. i don't think he's going to make it. >> reporter: when asked, trump also dismissed rubio as a potential running mate and he's following jeb bush's lead criticizing his poor attendance record. >> marco doesn't show up for votes and doesn't do thing you're supposed to do.
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>> bush remains stagnant in fifth place promising a political reset. >> i can fix it. >> ditch the glasses. get rid of the purple striped tie. i like this tie. it only cost 20 bucks. >> reporter: meanwhile the republicans' united front pushing to change upcoming debate formats is already fraying with donald trump insisting he'll negotiate with tv networks alone and carly fiorina and chris christie saying they won't sign on to a letter demanding changes. the president mocking them all last night. >> and then it turns out they can't handle a bunch of cnbc moderators. if you can't handle those guys, you know, then i don't think the chinese and the russians are going to be too worried about you. >> a couple of items about our poll.
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for all his support, donald trump also remains the most unpopular political figure in that poll. 56% of americans say they have a negative position on him but he still leads all republicans. >> our new poll shows hillary clinton pulling away. kristen welker is in iowa where secretary clinton is campaigning today. kristen, good morning to you. >> reporter: matt, good morning to you. secretary clinton has two town halls here in iowa later today and it comes as our new poll shows she's increasing her lead over her top challenger, vermont senator bernie sanders. let's look at the numbers. clinton now leads sanders by 31 points, up from her lead in september. she still struggles with the general electorate. 53% of registered voters give her poor marks for being honest and straight forward with only 27% giving her high marks. the numbers are significant
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because they underscore that voter perception is still an issue for clinton, even after the first debate, benghazi hearings and biden's decision not to get into the race. clinton released this ad focused on gun safety and comes after she met with mothers and fathers and among those at the meeting, the mothers of trayvon martin, michael brown and jamir rice. these are pressing issues during this democratic primary. expect secretary clinton to focus on all of it here in iowa later today. back to you. >> kristen, thanks very much. with an election one year out, there's a popular phrase that we're hearing a lot from the candidates. it's "the long view." >> they say you don't want to look at poll numbers now,
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they'll have little impact on what will happen in 12 months. >> back in 2007, this is how the polling stacked up on the democratic side. hillary clinton had 47% to 25% for barack obama. as we know, obama went on to win the democratic nomination and the presidency. >> that same year on the republican side it was rudy giuliani leading the pack with 33%, john mccain had 16% but as we know, senator mccain eventually became the republican nominee. >> and here's how the republican race looked in 2011. mitt romney had 28%, herman cain was at 27%, romney went on to become the nominee. >> let's turn to lester holt. he talked to the president exclusively about the race and his legacy in the white house. lester, good morning to you. >> i have to say looking at those numbers, i forgot how quickly things change. i sat down with the president,
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we wanted to talk about criminal justice reform but he gave us a few minutes to talk about the election. he's kind of on the outside looking in on this process. he talks about silly season, as he calls it. he pointed out right now we're not hearing a lot in terms of specifics. >> i think the problem with election season is sometimes folks want to devote a lot more time to sloganeering and steering folks up emotionally but they're not spending enough time explaining to the american people what exactly you want to do. >> that was kind of his broad view. he did tweak the noses of republicans a little bit. >> he mentions it's silly season. he had that mocking comment for the gop candidates in the last debate. do you get the sense he's following this very closely or occupied with other issues? >> i think he's following it very closely and i think he will become more involved. he said something very similar to me about the cnbc debate and
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pointing out if you're taking on world leaders, you've got to be able to deal with the moderators. we'll play that tonight on "nightly news." but he's drilling down. he talked about with republicans a sense that there's a disgruntled element as he put them that seemed to be driving the conversation through social media and i think we all recognize that the electorate will become more engaged now as we move past the holiday season. >> lester, thank you so much. we'll get a lot more of that interview with president obama tonight. >> the mystery on what caused the plane crash in egypt is deepening. officials say they are ruling out a missile but could it have been a missile? bill neely, good morning to you. >> reporter: a lot of significant developments. we're told the heat flash rules out a missile strike but nothing else, and we have the first hint
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of what might have been heard on the cockpit voice recorder. the heat flash was detected over the desert at the exact time of the crash, but the brief bright light seen by the u.s. military satellite could have been caused by many things. it could have been a missile or a bomb on the plane. it could have been an engine or fuel tank exploding in mid air or even the plane hitting the ground. the infrared satellite detected a flash, not a heat trail, so defense officials tell nbc news a missile is not the cause. a russian news agency says one black box reveals routine conversations, then unusual sounds in the cockpit but no distress signal. the debris field is also yielding clues. the russian news agency says investigators have found what are described as elements not related to the aircraft structure. isis claims it downed the plane. egypt's president dismisses
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that. it's propaganda, he says, and warns about jumping to conclusions. the u.s. is cautious, too, about a terrorist link. >> it's unlikely but i wouldn't rule it out. >> reporter: investigators are working on the two flight recorders, extracting information but still releasing none. the airline metro jet claims a technical fault couldn't have caused the crashes, blaming an external impact. russian officials insist that isn't based on fact. among the dead, the sheen family pictured leaving for egypt. their deaths, like all the others, still unexplained. so investigators are ruling out nothing at the moment, not mechanical failure, nor mass murder as a result of terrorism. and still no official word here on what those black boxes might reveal. those hints, though, suggest an event so sudden and unexpected, the crew simply had no time to
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do anything. matt, savannah? >> bill neely in cairo. thank you so much. >> we learned the man who played a pivotal role in invading iraq died. >> he lived years in exile but he's the guy who pushed the bush administration with since discredited information about weapons of mass destruction. he died of an apparent heart attack. >> now new allegations against volkswagen. this time there's alleged cheating for 10,000 more cars. >> this could mean millions in fines for the company which has
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already admitted to altering emissions. they're among volkswagen's priciest and most profitable, luxury suvs, as well as five 2016 audi models, all with a v-6 diesel gin that vw equipped with secret software to fool federal regulators. switching the engine into a especially temperature conditioning mode during ef missions tests only to switch back the epa says, exactly one second after the test when the cars began belching pollutants up to nine times what's allowed into the air. but in a statement denying those latest allegations, vw insists no software has been installed to alter emissions characteristics in a forbidden manner, pledging to cooperate fully with the epa to clarify this issue. this comes a month following public outrage. >> the american people, the epa and their counterparts around
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the world have been defrauded by volkswagen. >> and the epa found half a million vws noun to cause smog and asthma. >> our company has been dishonest and in my germany words, we have totally skewed up. >> a fine of $18 million and now potentially $375 million more. regulators continue to tell car owners of all cars affected they are safe to drive, even as they emit high levels of pollutants. >> oscar pistorius is facing an appeal by prosecutors who say he should have been convicted of murder, not the lesser charge of culpable homicide. >> the state is arguing that the trial judge misinterpreted parts
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of the law and ignored important evidence. a panel of five judges now is hearing the appeal. >> the number of e. coli cases linked to chipotle restaurants is expected to grow as health officials in the popular chain, which has closed 43 sta 43 stor two states search for the outbreak. miguel, good morning to you. >> matt, good morning. it's still unclear when this popular chain will reopen here in the pacific northwest. now at least one person that has fallen ill has filed a lawsuit against chipotle. this morning health officials are trying to track down the origin of the e. coli outbreak that has affected 22 people. while they expect to know the source of the outbreak later today, they've been bracing for
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more cases of sick diners ahead. chris collins is one of the eight who was hospitalized. >> this was intense pain that would never stop. it wouldn't stop to the point where i couldn't sleep at all. >> reporter: chipotle says the outbreak may be linked to a location in seattle but it voluntarily closed 43 outlets out of an abundance of caution. they source ingredients from local farms whenever possible. >> we're buying great ingredients, which is a really important mission. >> reporter: but this e. coli outbreak is the third health scare in a month. almost 100 diners fell ill to the noro virus. weeks later in minnesota, a salmonella outbreak was linked
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back to tomatoes served at 22 of its restaurants. doctors say the e. coli outbreak can cause serious health issues. later on this afternoon we should know the number of those who have become infected with this illness. back to you. >> miguel, thank you very. >> there were tense moments on a spirit airline flight in los angeles before the flight even got off the ground. seven passengers had to be removed from the plane because of a dispute over a seat. >> witnesses say the airline overbooked that flight. when one man got to his seat, apparently there was somebody already in it. the man alleged live argued with the flight attendant and refused to be reassigned to another seat prompting the crew to call in the police. as we said, seven passengers were escorted off the plane, accused of being disruptive and inciting other passengers. at least within of them says they were discriminated against for being black. spirit airlines has not responded to a request for comment. >> there was plenty of drama meantime during monday night's
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football between the carolina panthers and indianapolis colts. it wasn't just on the field either. during the fourth quarter, two members of an activist group repelled from the upper deck and then unfurled a banner protesting bank of america ears financi -- america's financing of a liquified natural gas project. >> the panthers kicker, graham ganeaux kicked a field goal to keep their perfect season alive. >> al has the weather. >> we have windy conditions outside north carolina and as you go into the mountains of california, take a look at the snow coming down. parts of nevada picking up 10 inches of snow. so winter out there but guess what, it's going to feel like summer here. jet stream way up to the north and so temperatures are going to
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stay nice and warm here but staying cool out west. look at some of these readings that we're going to see over the next three days. kansas city, you're 75 tomorrow, 76 st. louis, tupelo 76, highs 20 degrees above normal as you get into the great lakes. if you're lucky enough to be down in florida record-setting heat today. tampa coming close with a temperature of 86. we're going to get to your local forecast coming up in the next 30 seconds. n 30 seconds. lindt excellence created by our master chocolatiers pure, rich, darkly intense... made like no other crafted elegantly thin to reveal complex layers of flavor experience excellence with all your senses and discover chocolate beyond compare try lindt excellence with a touch of sea salt.
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good morning. it is cool this morning as we head out with all of this sunshine. it is 39 degrees in the north bay. 49 degrees in the peninsula. highs in the 60s and a breezy wind. 67 degrees in the east bay. in the trivalley up to 70 degrees. 70 degrees in the north bay while san francisco sees a high of 64. 69 in the peninsula and 67 in the south bay. have a great one. two days until the start of that's your latest weather. two days to the start of rokerthon. >> rokerthon-2. >> coming up, the yale fraternity under fire for throwing a white-girl only
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party. >> and how nick lachey could make a fortune. we thought we'd be ready. but demand for our cocktail bitters was huge. i could feel our deadlines racing towards us. we didn't need a loan. we needed short-term funding. fast. our amex helped us fill the orders. just like that. you can't predict it, but you can be ready. another step on the journey. will you be ready when growth presents itself. realize your buying power at
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coming up, is mcdonald's crossing the line by promoting one guy's fast food died to lose weight in schools across the country? and embarrassing. the mets fan who got a little the mets fan who got a little ahead of himself with that layover. 24 hours. hello, reykjavik. oh, so that's how you spell it. what are you looking at? oh, cool. hungry. fish, anyone? hello, seventh waterfall of the day. hello, duck boat. hello, sheep? oh right! itchy icelandic sweaters and no foreign transaction fees. sweet. one last look. ahh. triple points. and we're off. what's next? wherever the journey takes you, carry american express gold. it's more than a card. it's the gear that gets it done. hey! how are you?g? where are we watching the game? you'll see. i think my boys have a shot this year. yeah, especially with this new offense we're running...
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i mean, our running back is a beast. once he hits the hole and breaks through the secondary, oh he's gone. and our linebackers and dbs dish out punishment, and never quit. ♪ you didn't expect this did you? no i didn't. the nissan altima. there's a fun side to every drive. nissan. innovation that excites. is nice and crisp, i knowts tthat fall has finally arrived. and with it, all the flavors of the season. fall is all about bringing people together around delicious food. and each recipe brings as much enjoyment as the company.
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low prices on everything you need to make every meal more memorable. walmart. you know the symptoms when they start. abdominal pain. urgent diarrhea. now there's prescription xifaxan. xifaxan is a new ibs-d treatment that helps relieve your diarrhea and abdominal pain symptoms. and xifaxan works differently. it's a prescription antibiotic that acts mainly in the digestive tract. do not use xifaxan if you have a history of sensitivity to rifaximin, rifamycin antibiotic agents, or any components of xifaxan. tell your doctor right away if your diarrhea worsens while taking xifaxan, as this may be a sign of a serious or even fatal condition. tell your doctor if you have liver disease or are taking other medications, because these may increase the amount of xifaxan in your body. tell your doctor if you are pregnant, plan on becoming pregnant, or are nursing. the most common side effects are nausea
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and an increase in liver enzymes. if you think you have ibs with diarrhea, talk to your doctor about new xifaxan. collapse reported at 2-alarm commcial struure fire, partial roof clapse repord fire, sunnale.ral structure 7:26 on your tuesday morning. right now we are following developing news. a partial roof collapse following a two alarm structure fire. that is in sunnyvale and having impact on el camino. westbound lanes are closed west of fair oaks to give you some sort of orientation for what we are talking about. the other side of el camino westbound is closed right now. we have a helicopter on the way as we are trying to get more information from the department of public safety. in the meantime it is a cold start to your tuesday morning after the rain. kari hall has much more. >> grabbing a sweater and
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cranking up the heat. we have clear skies and temperatures are in the 40s across most of the bay area. san francisco 51 degrees. expect highs to make it to the mid to upper 60s this afternoon. mostly sunny skies and breezy wind makes it feel cooler at times. a few of us making it into the lower 70s. let's get a look at the morning commute. >> start in the south bay. el camino westbound closed at fair oaks. both of those folks need to know that there will be a problem. the rest of your commute looking pretty standard. here is the big problem. northbound 101 still two lanes blocked because of an overturned truck jamming folks up. the rest of the bay looking pretty good. the volume builds. crash cleared there. more traffic across the golden gate.
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>> not too much of a traffic tuesday. that will do it for us.
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7:30 now on a tuesday morning, november 3rd, 2015. it's like spring around here. beautiful morning out on the plaza. going into the 72s today. we're going to get al's forecast coming up in just a couple of minutes. of course, we'll go out in a little while and say hi to those nice folks. >> absolutely. >> let's take a look at some of the stories making headlines right now. health officials say they are testingmore people for e. coli in the wake of that outbreak that's closed 43 chipotle restaurants in washington state and oregon. at least 22 cases have been reported in recent weeks. >> the new nbc news/"wall street journal" poll shows ben carson with a commanding lead in the republican presidential race at 29%. he's six points ahead now of
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donald trump. according to that same poll, hillary clinton holds a 31% lead over bernie sanders. and the oscar pistorius case is being heard by south africa's supreme court of appeal today. a panel of judges will decide if the former olympian's culp homicide conviction in the death of reeva steenkamp should stand or be changed to a charge of murder. also this morning, a fraternity at yale university is in hot water over a claim its members instituted a, quote, white girls only policy at a weekend party. nbc's stephanie gosk is following this story. good morning to you. >> reporter: good morning, guys. well, as university officials investigate what happened on the night of this party, the president of the sigma alpha epsilon say the only screening at the door is asking for a yale id and one student was rejected because of the color of the skin. >> reporter: this morning members of the fraternity are
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defending themselves against allegations of racism after being accused of allowing only white women into a halloween party last weekend. a yale student first drew attention to the allegation with a facebook post saying in part i would just like to take a moment to give a shout-out to the member of the yale's sae chapter who turned away a group of girls from their party last night, explaining that admittance was on a white girls only basis. students across campus had strong reactions to the facebook post. >> it's absolutely disgusting and deplorable and chant sneer president grant muller denies the accusations, saying it was just before midnight friday when the police showed up and told the frat not to let anyone else in. >> no one can come into the house, it's overcrowded, overcapacity and never had anything to do with our entry into our parties ever or entry into being a member of our fraternity. >> reporter: yale chapter releasing a statement overnight saying white girls only and the sentiment it express nez no way describes our admission policy
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for social events. entry into our home was by no means determined by race. the national chapter says it is still investigating the incident, adding our leadership has zero tolerance for any behaviors or actions that deviate from our values, mission and creed. it's the late accusation of racism against sae. the university of oklahoma chapter made headlines last march after a a video released showing members singing a racist chant. the university expelled two students caught singing. a national sae officials quickly closed the chapter. the student who posted it on facebook was not part of the group. she claimed in her post that she experienced a similar incident in which she was turned away from an sae party last year. >> we continue to follow it.
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stephan stephanie, thank you. in ohio, voters will decide to legalize marijuana in that state. a ballot measure gaining national attention for the well known names who could cash in if it passes. "today's" erica hill is in hudson, ohio. good morning. >> reporter: matt, good morning. if this measure issue three passes, it could be the fifth state to legalize marijuana. that could mean the acres behind me for a prime land for growing pot. >> i'm nick lachey. ohio is my home. >> reporter: the former boy band star is hoping to cash in. in the campaign of legalized marijuana. >> proud to be part of the movement to create job and reinvigorate our economy and improve safety. >> reporter: lachey and annette
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lapore and oscar robertson is backing legalizing pot to spur a billion dollar market. this amendment would give commercial rights to the marijuana grown and sold at 1,100 stores in the buckeye state to ten growers. one owned by lachey. >> it is good for the control of the monopoly, but for ohio. >> reporter: issue two is also combating the issue. most polls show people are split on the legalization. >> i care about the people here. >> reporter: with lachey's group doing the best of the business decision, one that could make them very, very rich. >> those rich folks are investing a lot of money to not
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only change the system, create lots of jobs, 30,000 jobs, and generate millions of dollars a year. >> reporter: nick lachey declined our request for an interview. the city of hudson, ohio, confirmed to nbc news is stating this land is going for agriculture use. responsible ohio, the group backing this ballot measure, did confirm it is looking to invest in the land if it passes. that would make this site one of those ten sites throughout the state with exclusive commercial growing rights. one interesting note, matt, nick lachey, who grew up in ohio and pushing this measure, he said he won't be voting today because he is still registered in california. >> we will follow this vote today. erica, thank you very much. let's take a turn with a check of the weather from al.
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>> announcer: "today's" weather is brought to you by visit california. california, dream big. >> i'm invest in the cheetos franchise in ohio. look at this meteor over bangkok. it is caught on a dash cam. you see it firing up. wow. it lights up the sky for a second or two. we are lighting up a lot of stormy weather coming in. especially once more pushing its way from the plains down into texas. heavy rain in san antonio, little rock. we are looking for the risk of strong storms for thursday and as we move into friday, it moves no eastern texas and mid mississippi river valley and mobile and north into cincinnati. what they do not need in texas is more rain. look at this. through friday night with rainfall up to 1.5 inches per hour, 3 to 4 inches locally. could be 5 between texas, arkansas and louisiana
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good morning. i'm meteorologist kari hall kpp. it is cool this morning stepping out the door from 39 degrees in the north bay to 51 degrees in san francisco. expect highs in the 60s. in the upper 60s for the peninsula and trivalley with a high of 70 degrees. 70 degrees in the north bay and mid 60s with a breezy wind across the bay area. we see more of this weather as we head into the week and another chance of rain by the end of the weekend. sure you get that weather channel forecast at 24/7. guys? >> thank you very much. coming up, why matt's twitter feed blew up after this segment yesterday about thanksgiving turkey. we'll explain. >> i was a bonehead. >> and next a new fast food controversy, should mcdonald's be teaching your kids about nutrition in schools? but first these messages. but fi.
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target casting, day three. aaah!... he nailed it! why are you right for the role of "lucy"? because i'm always right. i like your style. wow! this is humongous. whelp, i'm sold. bleah! uuhhh... bark, bark. [cheering] ♪ 7:43. some concernsome concerned pare cooking up a campaign against mcdonald's. >> they're calling on the food giant to stop a so-called brand ambassador to pitching the diet to schools across the country. >> think of this as the anti-super size me diet pap high school biology teacher ate nothing but mcdonald's for 90
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days and he actually lost weight. now he travels the country sharing his story on school campuses, and that's where some parents say the teacher and the company are crossing the line. in a crowded high school auditorium, science teacher john cisna is telling people about his unique fast food experiment. >> who better to use in this experiment as somebody who basically contributes to the data of being overweight. >> reporter: the mission, eat every meal at mcdonald's but keep the daily calories to 2,000 calories per day. >> this is the story of a man who ate 540s me in a row at mcdonald's and lived to talk about it. >> now his experiment is featured in a new video and he has become a brand ambassador, sharing his story to schools across the country. >> i'm not endorsing fast foods.
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i'm endorsing that kids need to start using critical thinking skills when it comes to making the right choices of what they eat. >> reporter: that's not the impression one texas mom got when she watched the video. >> i was really taken aback by what i saw. >> reporter: she is a member of a committee that makes nutrit n nutritional choices at more than 100 schools. >> school ought to be a sanctuary and not be a place where they're bombarded from places like mcdonald's or an organic food company. >> more than 50,000 parents have signed a petition to stop the presentation. he has presented at 90 schools in the past year, including one in minnesota where this student listened to the presentation. >> it's a healthy message.
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i don't see why he shouldn't be able to deliver it, even if it is for mcdonald's. >> reporter: critics say they don't mind him promoting mcdonald's message as long as the company is not force feeding it to their children. >> mcdonald's has no plans to stop his speaking engagements and a spokesperson says the corporation does not provide any financial support to any of the schools that asks cisna to speak to their students. he is a spokesperson, though, and is paid per performance. >> coming up, why you might need to leave your costume at home for the upcoming "star wars" movie. >> and what adele has done that hasn't been done before after these messages. we're letting everyone in on this deal.
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♪ music the kind of moments that really bring us together, happen here every day create your family's story at disney parks. unforgettable happens here. if there was any doubt that adele is one of the biggest stars in the world, doubt over. carson's got that. >> that's right, matt. good point. adele's song "hello" only out for a week and a half. already had huge impact shattering the records for
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downloads here in the united states, selling well over 1 million in just a week. take a look at the previous record there held by florida rida "right around" at 36,000 copies. that six years ago. adele's records don't stop there. it was streamed 23 million time and rocked up 27 million views and now it's up to over 207 million views all coming ahead of a very busy month for the singer. a one-night only concert here in radio city new york music hall on december 17th and the release of her new record will be on the 209th and how excited are we for the live performance right here on "today." we've got our countdown clock there. just can't wait for this. that's november 25th. looking forward to having her. by the way, the band one republic tweeting out grateful for the small things in life like not having our next album release date any time between
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adele's latest album and march. >> carson, thank you very much. coming up, how many hours each day do your kids spend on their digital devices? the new screen time shocker and what it might mean for your family, but, first, on a tuesday morning these messages and your local news.
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not yet. not yet. not yet! not yet. pull the peach! milk, fruit, cultures. mmmm, yoplait. (dog) mmm. this beneful is so gohey, you know what? we should just go ahead and have this for breakfast tomorrow. would that be crazy? (vo) beneful originals is a healthy blend your dog will love. with whole grains, real beef, and accents of vegetables.
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hey! how are you?g? where are we watching the game? you'll see. i think my boys have a shot this year. yeah, especially with this new offense we're running... i mean, our running back is a beast. once he hits the hole and breaks through the secondary, oh he's gone. and our linebackers and dbs dish out punishment, and never quit. ♪ you didn't expect this did you? no i didn't. the nissan altima. there's a fun side to every drive. nissan. innovation that excites. how do they make starburst taste so juicy? they use wicked small fighter jets to shoot the juiciness into every starburst. [ pilot ] it's about to get juicy. whoo! i feel so aliii... it takes guts. [ female announcer ] starburst. unexplainably juicy.
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the breaking news we brought you in our last a very good morning. it is 7:56. busy morning as we update you on continuing breaking news. the scene from our chopper in sunnyvale where all westbound traffic being diverted because emergency crews are at the scene of a structure fire. no word on the damage or when the road might reopen. a live look at the chopper near 280 in palo alto. reports of an accident involving a bicyclist. crash happened a little before 7:00 this morning when a car hit a bicyclist. the frontage road there appears to be closed diverting traffic in that area. what about the forecast? >> a very chilly morning. a live look you see we start out with clear skies. temperatures are now in the mid
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40s in the north bay and lower 50s towards san francisco and oakland. we see highs in the mid 60s. mostly sunny skies and winds gusting to 30 miles per hour especially this afternoon in a couple of spots hitting low 70s. >> drier today but a big traffic day tuesday around the bay. slow down north 880 past the coliseum. we will show just north of there caused a little extra slowing. 580. we have a slow drive down the east shore freeway and an earlier crash. slow south 280. 101 picked up a lot of volume. folks coming across san mateo. especially tough for 101. still have the crash blocking left lanes.
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more traffic shifts to 87. >> another update in half an hour.
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♪ started with a whisper and that is when i kissed her ♪ it's 8:00. coming up, kids, teens and screens. how much time kids devote to their devices. and an officer and a gentleman. >> you feel fairly safe? >> we take you inside the day in the life of a police officer. and the apple of our eye. giada de laurentiis stops by to give us her dishing for fall. today, tuesday, november 3rd, 2015. ♪ >> good morning from texas.
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celebrating 42 years of marriage! >> hello from columbus, ohio. >> hi, mom. >> we're celebrating no school with matt, al and wrangler. ♪ it's 8:00 on "today." it's the 3rd of november. a pretty one on the plaza. feeling fall in the air. we are starting a beautiful week of weather on tap in the northeast. a great week. we are getting ready for thanksgiving. all of our segments this month have a thanksgiving theme. >> favorite holiday. >> your favorite? >> by far. i love thanksgiving. as we said, giada is here busy in the kitchen ready to add some of her favorite recipes to the month-long countdown to our favorite holiday.
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she will make the ultimate thanksgiving feast. >> yum. another event on our calendars. rokerthon 2. we are going for a record by doing the weather live in every state in just one week. we want you to come along. go to you can track the adventure. we will do it. a great geography lesson. >> you are not bringing your kids? >> no. >> you leave thursday? >> we leave thursday, but it starts friday. let's check the top stories with natalie. good morning. >> good morning, guys. with just about a year until the presidential election, ben carson has surged to the lead in the new nbc news/wall street journal poll. we have nbc's peter alexander in washington with the latest.
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>> reporter: good morning, natalie. ben carson vaulting past donald trump at 29%. earning the highest number yet in the republican race. trump doubles marco rubio. trump dismissed as a lightweight yesterday. ted cruz in fourth. jeb bush at 8%. and bush acknowledges jeb will have a few bad weeks of polls. they say we are prepared for that. meanwhile, the republicans united front pushing to change the debate formats. that is fraying with trump insisting he will negotiate with the tv networks alone and kasich and fiorina and christie all refusing to sign a protest letter demanding changes. natal natalie. >> peter, thank you. the democratic side shows hillary clinton out front of bernie sanders. secretary clinton leads sanders 62% to 31%.
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a 31-point margin. up 25 points from last month. clinton is in iowa today. she is releasing a new ad there and new hampshire focus on gun violence. she met in chicago on monday with african-american mothers of boys killed with interaction with law enforcement. president obama addresses the relationship with police officers and black communities in his interview with lester holt. >> have you been influenced by the black lives matter movement? >> i think the black lives matter movement is an outgrowth of what has been a very long story in american society. we want to make sure that every community in this country feels confident that the police are there to protect and serve them. and that they will be interacting fairly. the overwhelming majority of police officers do that in a
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really tough situation and tough job. >> we will hear more of lester's interview with president obama tonight on "nbc nightly news." the uber passenger caught on camera this weekend apparently assaulting his driver has been fired from his job. driver edward cabin said the passenger, 32-year-old benjamin golden was violent when asked to leave the car for being drunk. he was charged with assault in costa mesa, california. taco bell fired him from his job as executive and they urged him to get professional help. the nba in a pickle with the bucks and nets. the referee stops the action in the fourth quarter to remove that object from the floor. the object? a pickle. everyone has a good laugh as the dill is disposed of.
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the pickle juice mopped up. the first pickle delay in nba history. >> when you see it on the napkin, i'm glad you said it was a pickle. >> you have to relish that moment. >> oh. i knew you were going to go there, al. i left it to you. >> thank you very much. when are you leaving for rokerthon 2? if you are a parent, you are concerned about how much time your kids are spending on their digital devices. >> a report revealing the answer that adds to your worries. here is joe fryer. >> reporter: you call them screen teases. the common sense group says a teen spends 9 hours a day with media and technology. tweens average 6 hours a day. >> shows you kids spend more time with technology than parents or time in school or any other thing. >> reporter: spend a day with 15-year-old jake george, you will learn technology follows him like a shadow.
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his cell phone is the alarm clock that wakes him and video. it keeps him in touch in the classroom or basketball practice. >> i'm texting my friends on my phone or instagram keeping up with what is going on. >> reporter: the study finds teens, music is the choice and tweens, tv. boys lean toward video games and girls social media. although surprisingly, only 10% of teens pick social media as their favorite an activity. for some, it is something they have to do. >> in a way, you are competing on who can get the most likes or followers. everyone is trying to one-up each other. >> reporter: the study finds while doing homework, 76% of teens listen to music, 60% text and 50% on social networking sites. >> 2/3 of teens think they are
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multitask. >> reporter: and now this is a way of life and parents must help kids create a healthy media diet with more face-to-face communication. the george family set up rules. no video after 8:00 p.m. and mom and dad keep a close eye on jake. >> i ask what are you listening to? can i hear that video out loud? >> reporter: they see the technology. it keeps them in touch and organized and jake is soothed to sleep coming from the sounds of the tablet. a modern day lullabye with a new way of life. for nbc news, joe fryer, los angeles. >> i have a 14, 12 and 9-year-old. we fight this battle every day. we are losing it at the moment. >> i have a 14-month-old.
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she sees me on the phone. i'm setting a bad example. >> this study, a child watching tv for an hour and texting at the same time, researchers counted that as two hours of screen time. >> you should. coming up next on trending, matt's little adventure with the thanksgiving turkey had you reaching out to him on twitter. we will explain. >> lovely tweets. and a special series. 24 hours with. this morning, a day in the life of a hard working police officer. but first, these messages. g unla n purchases. that's a win. but imagine earning it twice. you can with the citi double cash® card. it lets you earn cash back twice. once when you buy and again as you pay. it's cash back then cash back again. and that's a cash back win-win. the citi double cash card. the only card that lets you earn cash back twice on every purchase with 1% when you buy and 1% as you pay. with two ways to earn, it makes a lot of other cards seem one-sided.
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our veterans are all around us, but it's hard to show them our appreciation when, out of uniform, they're more camouflaged than ever. america, this veterans day, let's shine a light on our veterans by changing one light to green, and keep it glowing every day. because even if we can't see them, they should always be able to see our support. visit to learn more.
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after a dvt blood clot.mind when i got out of the hospital what about my family? my li'l buddy? and what if this happened again? i was given warfarin in the hospital but i wondered if this was the right treatment for me. then my doctor told me about eliquis. eliquis treats dvt and pe blood clots and reduces the risk of them happening again. not only does eliquis treat dvt and pe blood clots, but eliquis also had significantly less major bleeding than the standard treatment. knowing eliquis had both... turned around my thinking. don't stop eliquis unless your doctor tells you to. eliquis can cause serious and in rare cases fatal bleeding. don't take eliquis if you have an artificial heart valve or abnormal bleeding. if you had a spinal injection while on eliquis
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call your doctor right away if you have tingling, numbness, or muscle weakness. while taking eliquis, you may bruise more easily... and it may take longer than usual for bleeding to stop. seek immediate medical care for sudden signs of bleeding, like unusual bruising. eliquis may increase your bleeding risk if you take certain medicines. tell your doctor about all planned medical or dental procedures. eliquis treats dvt & pe blood clots. plus had less major bleeding. both made switching to eliquis right for me. ask your doctor if it's right for you. when you take a sip of our ocean spray cranberry juice, it's a little like... [ dog barks ] and it's also like...
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[ laughs ] [ engine revs ] but don't take our word for it. try all of our tasty, good-for-you ocean spray cranberry juices and juice drinks. it's amazing what a little cran can do. 8:13. let's trend, guys, okay. we're going to play a little game. a lot of studies on human behavior in the news today so we're going to read you the study and tell you a little bit about it and using the paddles thumbs up or thumbs down. you're going to vote as to whether you think this works or doesn't work. >> okay. >> got the rules? >> i think. >> here we go. first, having the birds and bees talk with your children, does it actually make them more responsible when it comes to the choices they make involving sex? thumbs up yes or thumbs down know. >> thumbs up, thumbs up.
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>> have the talk earlier. >> yes. >> okay. >> very good. this is a yes. having the talk does make kids more responsible and here's an interesting fact. apparently it works with children more when the moms have the talk with them than with the dad. >> go see your father and my dad was in the garage at his work bench listening to the dodgers on an a.m. radio, gave me a crazy speech but it helped our bond more than anything and i always felt from that moment on i could talk to him about anything. >> dads are more honest. >> terrible metaphors. >> this big a wrench. >> or this big a wrench. >> you would go there, carson. >> have you had the talk? >> i've had the talk a little bit, but i think -- i have two boys so i'm also encouraging joe to -- because a guy to the boys. >> zach doesn't want to hear it from me. talked to annette a little bit.
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>> all right. next up, those calorie counts you see on menus at fast food restaurant. do they work and do they get people to consume fewer calories? thumbs up or thumbs down. >> carson yes. savannah yes, natalie no and al yes. the answer is this is as thumbs down. the calorie counts were found to have zero effect on what people ordered. >> i disagree. >> you go in a restaurant and you look. >> and when i see that the scone is like 500 calories, i'm like oh, forget that. >> same thing. >> actually no. >> if it's something i wanted when i came in there, i'm having it anyway. >> i agree. >> and i think that people who go to these places they go in there with the idea what have they want. >> what do you think in. >> they are going that a fast food restaurant. >> i -- i haven't had an issue with weight so i don't really pay attention to calories. >> if you're someone would battles weight every day and you see something 630 calories versus 1,100 you're more inclined to go that way and if someone doesn't have a weight issue, and we lie to ourselves,
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that cooky is 100 or if i find out it's 500 i don't have it or eat half. >> fans cheering loudly at a sporting event, does that actually affect the outcome in the game? in other words, does the loudest side win, thumbs up or thumbs down. >> down, down, yes, yes. >> in football they are yelling so much they confuse the quarterback and can't get the calls out and it could have an impact on the game. >> i'm thinking they are talking about does it inspire your time to excel and perform better? >> yes, yes, no, no. >> players are always talking about how inspiring it is and the crowd was with them. >> yes, they are. >> and the answer is no. it doesn't have any effect. experts say the cheering does not interfere by the way with the performance of players. >> didn't work for the mets. >> okay. >> actually good segue. you gave me a good segue. can we all agree as much as you love your sports team maybe don't get the celebratory tattoo until your team has actually
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won. lifelong mets fan in new jersey should have heeded that message. hour one before game one of the world series josh got tattoo. the mets logo with world series champion 2015. no regrets and the mets is even good and maybe he can add a little ink next year to 2016. >> or 2018, the five. >> or just change the 2 to a 3, 3015. >> wow. >> nice. >> carson is all about getting tattoos made into other things, right? >> yes. >> 2016 is going to be the best bet if the you're a mets fan. >> when you mess up, it's right there to let you know how you messed up, so watch this video yesterday. here's matt handling and having his way with that turkey and then did you see what happened. that was really fast. >> he didn't wash his hands. >> handles the turkey and dips it in there and massagesled turky? raw turkey. >> and now is eating with the
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same hand. >> social media caught on to this. moments later, look at that. there's the slow mo. >> what kind of mail do you get from this? >> i got some beauties, like enjoy salmonella for the next 24 hours, idiot. hope you don't get sick. we were screaming at the television set. did you not hear us. >> you may need psychological counseling to get over this. >> you did a mea culpa on twitter. i blank the, a brain camp, i dabbed them off on the towel and i did pick up. >> did you feel any effect in. >> hi some rumbling for the entire afternoon. >> say more about that. >> everything was fine. i feel great today, but point well taken. >> even the world's best chefs have been known to do this. >> exactly. >> you don't do that. wash your hands after you handle raw poultry of any, any kind. >> unless you want to lose ten pounds in a hurry. >> exactly. now to what you can't bring to the new "star wars" movie and the halloween prank that has parents laughing and kids in
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tears. carson, "pop start." >> hello, everybody. i'm your father. first "star wars" when hits movie theaters next month you can bring the force with you but no props. theater chains around the country are banning them to keep fans safe and secure. one of the signs posted. look at the bottom, "star wars" costumes are welcome no face conversation or face paint or simulated weapons including light sabers or blasters will be allowed in the building so leave them at home, al roker, now the annual prank that goes viral from jimmy kimmel with parents telling their children that they ate all their kids' halloween candy which leaves their kids devastated. >> no candy, you are in big trouble, young lady. >> that is totally jimmy kimmel related and i know. >> i ate all your candy, all your halloween candy.
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>> that's all right. >> that's all right. >> yeah. >> so you're not mad at mom are or anything. >> i don't ever want to see you ever again. go get a job. >> go get a job. that is the "pop start" for today, guys. >> that's awesome. >> never stop doing that, jimmy. al, let's g good morning. i'm meteorologist kari hall. it's a cool start to the day. it's making it into the lower 50s. we will see the temperatures continuing to warm up. a very pleasant afternoon. a high of 64 in san francisco. upper 60s for the east bay peninsula as well as the south bay. tri-valley, a high of 70. 70 in the north bay. the winds will increase as we go into the afternoon. we may have gusts over 30 miles an hour. >> and that's your latest weather. savannah. >> all right, al. thanks.
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we're beginning the new series this morning 24 hours with, an in-depth look of the lives of people who in their own ways really make up the fabric of our country. >> great story. national correspondent craig melvin will find some remarkable people. first up a man with the last two decades who has honored his pledge to protect and serve. >> a pledge that rick mauer takes very seriously at at time when police officers all over this country are under great scrutiny and a great risk. it's hard for him to imagine doing anything else. cleveland is ohio's largest city, home to the rock 'n' roll hall of fame and according to the fbi it's one of the most dangerous places in america. we're just outside cleveland, ohio. rick mauer has been a police officer with the city of cleveland for more than 20 years now. today we go on patrol with him. rick mauer starts his day at 5:32 a.m. making breakfast for his wife val.
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when he leaves for work in the morning how much do you worry it is. >> i always worry about him and hope that he's safe and comes home to me. >> reporter: at 7:15 he hits the gym, at 54 rick is in better shape than most men half his age. afterwards he heads to the police station and suits up. >> all right, guys. >> reporter: roll call is at 10:00. >> be safe, be tactful. >> reporter: rick straps on his body camera which officers in cleveland started wearing a few months ago and then we hit the streets. do you typically feel fairly safe? >> probably the least safe i've felt in my life as far as just being a target, but just because, you know, the uniformed badge that i wear, what i represent, some people resent that. >> reporter: when you're out and you're actually talking to people, do you get that sense as well? >> oh, no. man, there's still a ton of great people out here. >> reporter: this part of cleveland has seen better days. at 11:17 rick gets his first
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call, a woman claims her son got into a heated argument with his girlfriend and then ran off when she called the police. >> you didn't see any type of physical confrontation, anybody injured or anything? >> reporter: after taking information to file a report, we're on the move again, but within minutes rick is hailed down. >> my car was shot up with a bb gun. >> reporter: man claims the same person who shot his car with the bb gun may be targeting people, too. >> all we need is the police in this area. >> reporter: to be a little more vigilant patrolling. how often are you flagged down like that? less than half an hour later it happens again. >> i don't know what's going on. this guy is doing some crazy stuff g.check him out a. >> we'll check it out. >> reporter: rick pulls over >> reporter: rick pulls over a man driving with a suspended license. do you getter have vous at? >> oh, sure. >> reporter: he remembers a friend killed in 2000 during a traffic stop just like this one.
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>> first training on the job i looked up to and i admired and respected. great person. leon was killed in the line of duty. >> reporter: that danger he says must be met with restraint. how many times have you had to use your one? >> two instances in my career where i had to use my gun t firearm. >> reporter: twice in 20 years? >> no, i mean, i'd like to say no time in 20 years. you do what you're trained to do. that's second nature, but the hard part is sleeping at night. >> reporter: he starts the second assignment, known as community based policing. he spends several hours at a public recreational center. >> you look so nice. >> reporter: how has policing changed since you started 20 years ago? >> before i think we tried to arrest our way out of the problem. and obviously, that hasn't worked. so we need to find alternatives to that. >> reporter: policing in cleveland has been under especially intense scrutiny since the shooting of tamir
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rice. a police officer shot and killed the 12-year-old after what she was seen brandishing what turned out to be a pellet gun. the officer's response was reasonable given the circumstances. so far, no charges have been filed. rick and the cleveland police department declined to talk about the specifics of that case. there have been some high profile incidents this this city. how does that impact your job? >> people have biases and that confirms their bias so that makes our work that much harder to regain their trust. >> reporter: how do you rebuild that trust? >> if i could change one person's understanding of i'm a person just like they are. >> reporter: at 5:41, rick heads downtown to work security for the cleveland cavaliers. his long day ends after the preseason game. the next morning there's breakfast to be made before he spends another day trying to win over hearts and minds in his
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hometown. you would be hard pressed to find anyone who takes his job more seriously. >> millions of those people out there every day. thank you. i'm ... ==anim== some breaking news... ==topvo== good tuesday morning. it's 8:26. let's get you caught up. breaking news. emergency crews are at the scene of an accident that kill eed a bicyclist. this happened a little before 7:00 this morning. no word on what happened. the driver did stay on scene. we will continue to bring you updates. happening today, it's election day around the bay area. while this is an off election year, voters are deciding on some very important issues. in san francisco, voters will decide proposition f, the measure restricting short-term share rental units. san francisco is also deciding the next mayor and its sheriff. it's a full ballot. it's also a full roadway out
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there. you are following what's going on. >> traffic tuesday. a big volume of traffic. a big problem har here since 6:00 in the morning. north 101, that overturned truck has been offloaded as far as the cargo. they have to right and clear it. you are jammed where folks are bailing off and making their way up no san jose. using 87 as an alternate. it's still very slow. starting to ease up just a bit for the morning commute. it's typical as well as the rest of the bay. look how slow for 880 and 101.
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♪ ♪ maxx your thing at t.j.maxx with better brands, at prices that work for you. make each day a little better. shop t.j.maxx... and maxx life!
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we're back now, 8:30 on a tuesday morning. it's the 3rd day of november, 2015. it is just a spectacular day here in new york city. lots of smiling faces out on the plaza and even wrangler has a special smile this morning. >> he's smiling, he is. >> he's so happy. >> coming up the great neil patrick harris who we actually specifically said is no longer invited here is still here. he's going to tell us about the
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season finale of "best time ever" and we'll talk to him about the whole prank incident and what we can expect for the season finale. >> and rereg is a dish served best called. >> never will live that down and tom brokaw stopping by to bring attention to something he feels very passionate about. >> but first let's go across the street. al has got a special check of the weather. today's weather is brought to you by ocean sprampt it's amazing what a little cran can do. so for the 11th year in a row the folks at ocean spray bringing us the cranberry country to our plaza. that's right. chef curtis stone is a paid spokesperson for our sponsor, ocean spray, and joining him is the lovely giada delaurentiis, so you've got 2,000 pounds of cranbury, and you've got at completely set table here. >> that's right. we're doing dinner in the bog, al. >> and have you to wear this outfit for dinner in the bog.
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>> have to get in here somewhere or a really short dress. >> you can see all the waiters ready to go. >> what's your cranberry tip for thanksgiving? >> we're celebrating the 58th anniversary of ocean spray so i've got so many. i've got a beautiful cheesecake with cranberries. the truth is you can use them from appetizers through to the main course. we all know how important it is for the thanksgiving turkey to have some cranberry. >> can you eat them just like this? >> you've got cook them down. >> and with people standing in them, i don't know that you want to do that. you could do that. >> like, al, al, roker. >> what's your segment coming up, giada? >> i'm not making cranberries. >> okay. >> but i am cooking with apples which are a lot easier to cook with. >> making apple strata. >> yes, a turkey aal strata and also making a cake. come visit me. >> all right. i certainly will. >> and i don't have to wear a wader to do it. wader, wader, there's a fly in
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my soup. there's a giada in my soup. let's show you what's going on. rokerthon 2 taking america by storm and kicking off friday in hawaii so our forecast for great state of hawaii is looking pretty good. got a few clouds but otherwise right through thursday sunshine and temperatures going to be in the mid to upper 80s. that's what's going on around the country. hey, where did they go? here's what's happening in your neck of the woods. we are taking a live like from mount hamilton. clear skies and a cool start to the morning. expect highs to top out in the mid 60s today. palo alto, a high of 68. 63 in the outer sunset. a couple spots will hit 70 degrees. we do see mostly 60s out there. the winds will be breezy through the day. >> that's good. that's good. all right. now let's head back to savannah.
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>> all right, al, thank you so much. neil patrick harris has been showing us the "best time ever" with his live primetime show here on nbc and from what we hear tonight's season finale is going to be the biggest best show yet. we'll talk about that, but first a little look at the fun he's had this season. >> i know you guys got married. take a look. >> that's your dad? ♪ >> help me out. >> lie and cheat. >> the you're right! >> the little understated show. >> subtle comedy. >> good morning to you. >> good morning to you as well, thanks. >> are you ready for the big finale? >> all ends tonight, the circus packs up and we move to another town. >> the freak show is out of here. >> and we can go to physical therapy. >> can you give us any hints?
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>> it's -- it's a giant show this week. we have an audience that we call it where we're surprising someone in the audience. it's more of an awards show kind of structure. we have a big gigantic get lucky. we're giving away more stuff than we ever have, if you answer questions right and the end of the show show where we do crazy stuff is jie normous. i'm not sure can i do it. i've had melt pal meltdowns in the last 36 hours, i won't lie. >> i've gotten to i have to say i've gotten to know you and you seem a little stressed. >> doing a song that wraps up the entire season and it encompasses everything we've done and a one long shot that doesn't edit so if things go wrong it will be disastrous and little airous. >> and still super? >> i'm very proud of the show. you do it once and it's done the feels like doing an awards show every week and then you wake up the next day and have to do an
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awards show the following week. >> the show is fun. we sought highlight reel. it's crazy. any standout moments for you? >> i love learning stuff so the first episode i did a stunt off a pogo stick and learned how to breathe fire. >> oh, look at you. >> watch this one. >> i almost broke my collar bone there. >> my mom was on the show and i surprised her. she had no idea. that really fun. it's cool. we're doing it live so we really only reassess it afterwards. the first eight episodes this season we're going to look back and see how to improve it and what -- what were the best elements of it, and i think the notion that families can watch it together, mott just kids with their parents, but parents with their parents, it's kind of a nice show that sort of bonds people together so i'm proud of what we've done. >> yeah. would you do it again? >> yeah. but i wouldn't prank you guys. >> i was going to bring it up and i'm glad you segued to us. remember that time in. >> do i ever. >> you won't let me forget that
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time. >> we don't. >> roll the video. >> i mean -- >> you know who is good about that. i didn't really get a bad of a prank. it was really matt who got covered in this smelly goo. >> isn't that really appropriate? >> it is. >> can you tell me now at end. season what was in that goo. >> i don't know and we had a lot of goo discussion. >> it smelled like socks and underwear. >> the intention was not to the make him smell bad and cover him with a weird color. >> but it did. >> i wanted to actually know what that stuff was, in the story of it all, was that numtic fluid it a had broken, we didn't know, it just kind of became what it was. >> can i tell you something. we did that a couple months ago, the odor is really still kind of there. hasn't washed off of him. >> the reason i did it with matt is he's apparently the one here that's always checking things out and thinking he might get pranked. >> he is. >> and doesn't really like the germs. >> he sglont so we tried to fill him with prank and with -- yeah, with germs.
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>> don't look at me. >> well, you're hiding in the corner and i feel like you'll run out and throw something at me. >> filled with revenge. are you nervous at all? >> it's carpkarma, isn't it. >> food taster. >> what does that mean? >> i may go after your food supply. >> at least you're inviting me to dinner. >> neil patrick harris, thank you so much. >> you're welcome. >> and "the best time ever" finale starts tonight at 8:00, 7:00 central right here hon nbc. good luck. don't broke anything. coming up, tom brokaw on an issue close to his heart, but, first, this is "today" on nbc.
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a friend and colleague tom brokaw is here to focus on the issue he cares deeply about. alzheimer's disease.
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one in nine people 65 and older have it and it's only expected to grow as the baby boom generation ages. rockefeller university, their message for the month of november, alzheimer's awareness month. howard lutman leads the board at the fisher center and a doctor is researching the disease there and of course tom joins us as well. great to have you here. people read about this disease, tom. they think they know everything about it until it affects them. it happened to you. >> as much as i was tuned into it, it was an abstract until it hit our family. a younger brother living away from the family had some reverses in his business and personal life and we were not as connected to him as we should have been. my mother at 82 was beginning to fade, so we were gathered at her
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bed side. we couldn't figure out what was going on. our eldest daughter is a physician, she figured it out. she confided the reason to get him to the jer onle to gist and it progressed very quickly. >> i know at the fisher center you work with supporting people who are living with the disease and people living with the people living with the disease. >> it goes two ways. you want to do core research so eventually you can knock it out. you know, dr. greenguard who won the nobel prize, so i had the honor of giving him the award. it was amazing. it was amazing. so then we worry about the people who have to take care of them because it's so huge. $200 billion a year we spend on taking care of alzheimer's patients. unbelievable. >> what is -- where does the search and the root cause stand now? >> right now it's billions and
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probably we are thinking that it would reach $2.3 trillion by 2016 if nothing changes. >> what do we know about the root cause? >> the root cause is really hard to guesstimate because most of the cost is coming from family -- >> no the cause, the cause of the disease. >> it's not entirely clear, but there are a few ways that we are now sure that you probability heard about fats that are -- that indicate the way that neurons are in the brain and this is going slowly from short term memory loss. >> so it's a plaque that gets in between the cells in your brain, like a plaque on your teeth and they can't communicate and you can't get your thoughts around it. >> do you feel, tom, in your lifetime there will be a cure for this disease? >> it's a tough one.
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there's a lot of research going on. especially at the rockefeller university and around the country and when the families get in their late 50s and 60s, they have to sit down and assign roles. my daughter feels strongly about that. too much of the caregiving is given to the women, they sit at the bedside, do all that. so families have to start planning now and hope it never comes. if it does, everyone knows what their role is. in our case, in a distant city, a very good advocate was hired and then we rotated family members through visitation with him. and it was heart breaking but in many ways the last months of his life were in some ways some of the best months. >> we should concentrate on this all the time. but we concentrate on it especially november which is national alzheimer's awareness month. guys, thank you. good luck, doctor.
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up next, we're holding court with the best seller, mike lupica. but first, this is "
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1:46. we're back with the aboard-winning sports writer "new york daily news with the "columnist and best-selling author, likes that best, mike lupe camp his latest book "fast break" is about a young boy who struggles to find himself after the death of his mother. nice to see you. >> hey, matt. >> not just sports back but they are well-rounded and you tackle some very tough issues. >> of all the things i've asked kids to overcome in my books i don't think i've ever asked anybody to overcome more than this young boy. 12 years old, lost his mother, like the artful dodger, living on his own fooling the school, fooling everybody and even stealing food to keep going, but as basketball season starts he needs a new pair of sneakers and tries to steal a pair at a footlocker and ends up in child protective services but he doesn't know it at the time but it's the beginning of a better life. >> and goes on to live with a
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foster family across town, and in some ways here's where we get into a reverse "blind side," the movie. this is a white kid from the wrong sides of the track who ends up living with an affluent african-american family. >> people made that reference and i never thought of it that way. the amazing thing about the boy is he's being pulled back to the projects. the only happy time in his childhood has been playing basketball with his buddies in this core at a project called the jeff, and the culture shock of moving to the right side of the tracks makes him actually angry at start of this book. >> i like it because it does, again, it deals wish use that all kids and all parents are dealing, not just sports. when i have you here i like to get your take on other event. >> okay. >> can do i that. call this the lightning round, world series just ended. great for the royals. will the mets be back in the fall classic next year? >> yes, i think they will be because of the young pitching
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and by the way i would have left harvey in the game myself the other night. >> all right. after all the talk about deflategate and the pressure it put on the patriots and tom brady, he's killing it this year. they are undefeated. do you see a loss in their near future? >> you know what, i'll tell you something. the only thing that makes me think they might not go undefeated is seating broncos the other night and what they did to the packers on "sunday night football." this is one of the great grudge tours of all time. they are going to show everybody, the patriots are. >> steve williams, a longtime caddy for tiger woods has written a tell-all book very critical of tiger. who comes out worse, tiger or steve williams in. >> steve williams does. by the way, that book i'll get to it after i re-read "war & peace." give him his 5 iron and shut up. >> really, you feel that way? >> you know what. this is bone-picking to me. i don't care what his caddy thinks. >> and you've signed on to write a memoir with bob costas.
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this is short storeies? >> no, actually i tried to encourage costas to write -- >> i waited all morning for that. >> i tried to explain to costas that maybe he should write my story, but we thought this would be a more profitable way to go. that's a good one. >> all about the questions. >> when your friend bob costas, talked about red eye at olympics. >> i remember vaguely. michael, congratulations. the book is called "fast break" out today. up next giada delaurentiis shares her thanksgiving apple recipes but first, this is "today" on nbc.
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welcome back to "today." welcome back to "today." all month we're preparing you for thee ultimate thanksgiving. this is from giada's new book, and we have two recipes to get to let's get to right to it. >> i'm making an apple walnut cake. lots of thanksgiving, fall flavors with brown sugar, nutmeg, cinnamon, ginger. i like to take a nice pan because it makes it decorative. just make sure because there's so many grooves that you brush it with melted butter. >> so you don't need a bund pan. >> no, but look at how pretty.
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i like to dump out the extra flour. you do the wet ingredients i'll do the why. lots of wine for savannah. who knew? >> eggs in. >> go. >> brown sugar. and. >> vanilla. >> and apples. three apples. did all the dry ingredients. flour, baking soda, baking powder, cinnamon, nutmeg. >> you cubed the apples? >> yes. i love them with lemon. you can prep it ahead of time, they don't turn brown. not that it matters much this this recipe. >> i should have prebroken the eggs. this is is a hot mess. >> it will work itself out. there you go. >> let's pretend this is right. >> that's what's great about the kind of cakes. dump in some dry ingredients. >> i know. >> all right. >> you don't need the utensils.
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but this could be more fun. >> i'm stirring it very well. >> so a little bit at a time, add the ingredients so the wet ones absorb it. >> are you going to finish in the 9:00 hour? >> you get the point. >> be very kind, savannah. >> she's doing great. it shows you you can kind -- >> she's doing great? are you in the same universe as we are? >> once this is mixed together -- >> i'm trying not to make a mess. >> no, it looks great. we won't tease you. then we dump it into the pan, bake it for an hour. >> you want me to do it or you? >> oh, we forgot the walnuts. >> oh, walnuts. >> okay. this is what it looks like. you want to let it rest for 15 minutes before you unmold it. i have a -- you can do this. >> just drizzle? >> oh, i love this. >> or dump. [ laughter ]
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>> what? >> like a little kid. i want you her to be -- >> i like a lot of icing. >> me too. >> gosh. >> come on, the icing is the best part of this. here, i'll cut you a little teeny piece. >> i'm going to lick the spoon. >> we have clean hands unlike matt. >> nice. >> all right. go. >> so good. okay. hot sausage. spinach. apples. saute it all together with shallots. okay? for ten minutes. mix it together. then you dump it and layer it in here. bread. the sausage mixture. more bread. mozzarella, custard made of eggs, heavy cream, milk, salt and pepper. let it sit overnight -- >> see it happens to you. >> just wipe it up. let it sit overnight. bake it in the morning. everybody gets up the next day
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and -- >> this is fantastic. >> really good. >> this is great. >> you love it? >> oh, my gosh. >> it's so good. >> yummy. >> make it the night before. the same with the cake. it lasts all week. >> not in my house. >> she can't i'm ... ==topvo== y storm - drivers rom yesterda's very good tuesday morning to you. 8:56 right now. as the bay area dries up, drivers are once again being allowed to take patterson path where a mudslide hit yesterday making the road impassable. the slide stranded one driver. public works crews brought in heavy machinery to try to clear up the big mess. a mudslide closed a road
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that's still closed this morning. a grass fire burned through the area over the summer leaving it susceptible to erosion. no time titable on when it will reopen. another update in half an hour. sam and i will be anchoring your midday news at 11:00. see you then. anderson valley brewing company is definitely a leader in the adoption of energy efficiency. pg&e is a strong supporter of solar energy. we focus on helping our customers understand it and be able to apply it in the best way possible. not only is it good for the environment, it's good for the businesses' bottom line. these are our neighbors. these are the people that we work with. that matters to me. i have three children that are going to grow up here and i want them to be able to enjoy all the things that i was able to enjoy. together, we're building a better california.
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this morning on "today's take," hello adele. the singer makes music history with her new song. then, get ready to ease on down the road with the cast of "the wiz" live. and from the hit tv series "elementary" lucy liu is with us. all that and more coming up now. >> announcer: from nbc news, this is "today's take" with al roker, natalie morales, willie geist and tamron hall. live from studio 1a in rockefeller plaza. >> welcome to "today" on a tuesday morning, november 3rd, 2015. it's election day in the united states. >> yeah. >> and we're here along with al and natalie. tamron is on assignment. my morning jam, let's listen tore a second.
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♪ >> this is "my shot" from the hamilton, the musical. if you haven't seen it yet, i know it's a tough ticket, try to get some. come sometime to new york city and see it. talked about this. >> finally got to see it a couple weeks ago, and i've got to say, it's one of those shows everybody bulked it up so much, so much hype and i said can it really be and it really is as good as everybody says it is. >> just incredible. you can download the album now to get ready for when you come see it on itunes. >> that's probably the best way because when you actually first see it it takes almost five minutes i think to kind of acclimate your ears to the rhythm and everything that's going on because you are not ready for it. >> that's how uneekt show is. >> it's genius. recall berets way you watch musicals. a great song. it is election day. one year, 52 weeks from today, we will elect a new president of the united states. we've got new last night nbc news/"wall street journal" poll to show you where we stand a
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year out. ben corson is up seven points from a couple weeks ago, at 29 six points ahead of trump. let's put this the in perspective. >> okay. >> go back eight years in a 2007 poll in the election, here's how the republican field sat. rudy giuliani was at 33% and john mccain at 16%. >> we know how that turned out. >> john mccain would go on. >> don't know where this race is headed but gives you a little bit of pause to show you how much things can change. >> on the democratic side this morning hillary clinton leading 62% to bernie sanders' 31%. she's up 30 points now, leaped a bit since the last poll and let's go back with the democrats, eight years ago, 2007, this same time. hillary clinton at 47% and senator barack obama at 25%. >> how did she do back then? >> that one got away from her. >> can't remember. >> puts it all in perspective how much can change in a year's time. >> exactly. >> as much as we look at these polls on practically a daily basis, a new poll is out and
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everything can change on a dime. >> absolutely. fascinating new characters this time between bernie sanders and donald trump and ben carson so interesting to watch the next few months. mentioned hamilton and politics and all came together last night. president obama got some laughs at a speech in new york. he was in the theater where they -- where they performed "hamilton" poke fun at republican candidates and their complaints about recent debates. >> every one of these candidates say, you know, obama's weak. he's, you know, putin is kicking sand in his face. when i talk to putin he's going to straighten out. just looking at them i'm going -- he's going to be -- and then it turns out they can't handle a bunch of cnbc moderators. if you can't handle those guys,
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you know then i don't think that the chinese and the russians are going to be too worried about you. >> there you go. >> just a side note. yesterday we were going to a meeting at nik's school in brooklyn and going sobt on the fdr. they had shut off the northbound lanes and the presidential motorcade came by on his way to the theater, and i've got to tell you to see the presidential motorca motorcade, if you've never seen, it it's an amazing sight. all the new york city police, motorcycles and then the cars and the suvs and then you see the presidential limo, that's pretty cool. >> pretty cool and the president was doing fund-raisers last night including the one on broadway there in the theater where they do "hamilton." >> had the speech in newark earlier as well. here's something, caught our attention and reported on this earlier this morning. an iowa high school biology teacher john cisna ate nothing but mcdonald's for 90 days and actually lost weight, the
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anti-supersize me campaign, ate every meal for 90 days at mcdonald's, 540 meals in a row, and he kept his daily calories to 2,000 calories or less and he was able to drop 37 pounds and four waist sizes and lowered his total cholesterol by a third. so now he's traveling around the country sharing his story at schools as mcdonald's brand ambassador, all right, but here's the issue. some parents say that this biology teacher and the company, they are crossing the line and some saying it's a thinly veiled commercial for mcdonald's. you know, we actually did a story on the science teacher last year, and he told us he walks 45 minutes a day. his overall argument for doing this is we have an obesity epidemic in this country, and he is encouraging kids, he says, if they are eating fast food anyway because, let's be real, kids are going to eat fast food, you know, he's encouraging them to make the right choices can and choose the right foods and right
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combinations under those 2,000 calories a day. that said, a lot of people saying well you're a brand spokesperson, he's getting paid to go, to travel. >> and when he did it the food was donated so how much would that have cost her day to do? >> i think the good news on the progress, not just for mcdonald's is you can go into one of the fast food restaurants now and get a relatively healthy meal. >> get a sal rad. >> calorie sound and sodium amounts and you can make the right choices. >> our kids get hit with brands from the second they wake up at night until the second they go to sleep, do they need to at an educational institute to get a paid spokesman? >> that's right on the line there. >> yeah. >> can you talk about like let's make healthy choices but i don't think you need to say mcdonald's, if you're going to choose on the men, choose this versus this. >> here's something, people have made a choice, and a huge choice, so here's a question. what do these two songs have in
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common? first, let's listen to if lo rider >> when i hear that song. >> adele's new single "hello" releases. that's a slow ballad, slow dance. >> get goose bumps every time i hear this song. >> here's the deal. "hello" has joust broken flo rider's record to sell over 1 million downloads of a song in one week. according to "billboard" adele 1.11 millions copies of "hello" and in 2006 flo rider sold 636,000 copies. adele performing live on november 25. week before on tuesday, november 17th, going to be doing a one-night only concert at radio city which coincidently will be taped and played on nbc as a
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special which we are very excited about. >> and i love, as i said before, reward for raw talent. >> my gosh. >> if you're that good, stand on a stage with a microphone and nothing else and a million downloads. >> i can't wait to heart other songs on that album. i went on itunes yesterday, and i'm like when is it available because -- that one song is just so incredible you can imagine the rest. >> and she's a giant in the music world and a giant in the tree world, of course, the rockefeller center christmas tree. they have chosen it, a 78-foot hudson valley norway spruce. it will be rockefeller center's christmas tree and it will get cut down tomorrow. arrives here friday. >> does it seem too soon? >> never too soon. you know me. >> mr. christmas. >> weighs ten tons, coming from ultser county new york. >> are you going to ride in the truck and the whole thing? >> i'll be in hawaii for the first stop of rokerthon 2. >> savannah can. >> the last couple of years we've all ridden. >> covered in the sap later. >> don't talk about willie like
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that. >> covered in sap. >> got a check of the weather. >> i certainly do. smells like pine. i like it. well, as we look right now we've got some heavier showers and thunderstorms off the southeastern atlantic coast. wet weather making its way through california and snows in the mountains and cascades. the inner mountain region and on into the rockies. later today as we move on through the week, afternoon highs 80s us a get into texas and look at how warm it is through the mid-section of the country and into the northeast. a swath of 70s, although cooler in the mid-atlantic states where it will be raining and where we'll seat showers and thunderstorms. we also look for a lot of fog, about 30 million people under some sort of fog advisory this morning, snow through good morning. our temperatures are now turning into the upper 50s. a lot of sunshine and expect a
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high of 64 degrees in san francisco. 67 degrees in the east bay. in the trivalley, up to 70 degrees. temperatures cooler behind yesterday's cold front and it stays breezy, especially this afternoon. the winds pick up once again. we may have gusts over 30 miles per hour. meanwhile, in the peninsula, high of 69 degrees and 67 degrees in the south bay. time for the attack of peppermint. >> it's here. >> it's christmas, baby. >> forget pumpkin spice. >> the red cups are out. up next, michael jackson and diana ross made sweet music together, the 1978 classic "the wiz" and how great is that. now a new generation gets to see "the wiz" live with a whole new cast and talented s you owned your car for four years. you named it brad. you loved brad. and then you totaled him. you two had been through everything together. two boyfriends. three jobs. you're like "nothing can replace brad!"
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wheall i can think abouthit, is getting relief. only nicorette mini has a patented fast-dissolving formula. it starts to relieve sudden cravings fast. i never know when i'll need relief. that's why i only choose nicorette mini. i think when people hear about i think it's important for, everyone to know that there is so much more to memory support than the stigmas you hearabout. that these residents still have lives and their lives still matter and that they are still living their lives. that they're not locked away and that they still have a lot to live for, you know, that they have people that care about them and they have people that love them and i love them, so their lives still matter. that is what i do this for. i know i can't wait for this month, a month away from the big nbc three-hour television show "the wiz live" based on the
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broadway musical which hit the stage 40 years ago which showed stephanie mills as dorothy, the kansas farm girl swept up in a tornado only to find herself in the land of oz. >> then for the 1978 movie version, the great diana ross stepped into that role, but it's a brand new day. we want to meet the young woman taking over the iconic role now, 19-year-old jersey girl shanice williams landing the part leading an all-star cast including actor and neo and the very brave david allen greer plight cowardly lion and elijah kelly playing scarecrow. good morning to all of you. >> good morning. >> good morning. >> so the count is on. you've got a month to go. how has it been going in. >> it feels great. it's been going really quickly. >> you weren't even born yet, 40 years ago, but you loved this show. >> yeah. >> and you have spent -- i imagine you're pinching yourself
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every day to be able to play this role. >> yeah, definitely. >> and you got to the meet -- got to the meet stephanie mills. >> she's an amazing person, the southwest and gives meet best advice. >> like what? >> what has she told you? >> tells me to just live in the moment and take everything one step at a time. >> you being the tin man, what's that like, putting on that makeup and wearing that outfit? >> the costume definitely helps because there's not a lot of range of motion in that thing so it -- it adds to the whole tin man thing, you know what i mean. >> but being part of the show has to be such a great experience. >> this is historic. making history right now. when i found out that this was happening i told my people, i don't care if i'm in kraft services i need to be a part of this and they got it the to go and here we are. >> david, you've done so much, but here there's going to be a live show. >> yes. >> doing a broadway classic. >> yes. >> got butterflies?
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>> good butterflies, you know. ne-yo, there's good and bad butterflies. we open and close in one night. that's two parties. >> true. and you plate cowardly lion. >> yes. >> and with a good sense of humor, i imagine. >> let us hope. let us hope. no, it's been going really great. i love this company and we're having a ball. i can't get to work early enough. i'm enjoying the experience. >> elijah, a little pressure on you knowing that you stepped into a role that michael jackson immortalize the. >> who is that? >> you know what. it is -- i don't take it as pressure. i just take it as a responsibility to honor, you know, a great actor, great singer and dancer, one of the greatest entertainers of all time and, you know, with these incredible castmates and our team i think that collectively we can do that, so, you know, got a little bit of weight off my shoulder because i get to lean on these guys, but i think
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i'll honor them pretty well. >> and we've got some behind-the-scenes footage. you guys are rehearsing the song "brand new day." from the video of the making of "the wiz." >> is this the first time you've seen this? >> you guys sound good. ♪ can't you feel a brand new day ♪ >> got your moves. >> we're all there looking. probably the most energetic point of the show, and we're all just like -- >> i carry picture of my costume in a pocket and any time i mess up it's like that's what i'm wearing, i'm wearing a fur coat. >> as you guys get ready to ease on down the road and here's somebody who is ready to ease on down the road. do we have some prop, prop help. come on, roker, put on the half. you're the wiz. >> that's right. >> ease on down the road.
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nobody beats the wiz. thank you all. we cannot wait. "the wiz" live airs thursday, december 3rd at 8:00 eastern live right here on nbc. >> so good. we can't wait, guys. ♪ up next, the new film about the journalist who came the story starring robert redford, cate blanchett and this guy right here tober gray.
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i just love cherry preserves. is that your favorite? i also like strawberry, boysenberry, red raspberry... with so many delicious varieties, it's tough to choose just one favorite. apple... pineapple... grape... red currant... with a name like smucker's, it has to be good. the kids went to nana's house... for the whole weekend. zzzquil. the non-habit forming sleep aid that helps you sleep easily, and wake refreshed. because sleep is a beautiful thing. therbottle of tropicana pure oranges squepremium.o each and absolutely no space for added sugar, water, or preservatives. tropicana. we put the good in morning. i found a better deal on prescriptions. we found lower co-pays... ...and a free wellness visit. new plan...same doctor. i'm happy. it's medicare open enrollment. have you compared plans yet?
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it's easy at or you can call 1-800-medicare. medicare open enrollment. you'll never know unless you go. i did it. you can too. ♪ i guethought to the acidity much in any foods. never thought about the coffee i was drinking having acids. it never dawned on me that it could hurt your teeth. my dentist has told me your enamel is wearing away, and that sounded really scary to me, and i was like well can you fix it,
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can you paint it back on, and he explained that it was not something that grows back, it's kind of a one-time shot and you have to care for it. he told me to use pronamel. it's gonna help protect the enamel in your teeth. it allows me to continue to drink my coffee and to eat healthier, and it was a real easy switch to make. i try hard to get a great shape. this i can do easily. benefiber® healthy shape helps curb cravings. it's a clear, taste-free, daily supplement that's clinically shown to help keep me fuller, longer. benefiber® healthy shape. this, i can do. he was far out as eric foreman, one of the stars of the hit sitcom "the '70s show" and has had an impressive film career including "spiderman 3." >> and now he's starring alongside robert redford and cate blanchett in "truth."
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>> it's about what led to dan rather's resignation. >> i didn't get a chance to introduce myself, dan rather. >> i mean, i'm mike smith. i'm familiar -- i mean, i -- hello. >> mary tells me that you're the one that calls me the old man. >> really wish she hadn't shared that with you. >> topher grace, good morning. >> thank you for having me. >> how familiar were you with this story before you signed on? >> you know, i think i had the same level of familiarity that most of my friends have with this which we all kind of remember something happened but i never found exactly -- i remember, it's weird. denis quaid is in the movie and he and i were doing -- we kind of talked a lot, kind of inside baseball, about the news itself so it was great to read the book. >> yeah. >> and then -- and then read the script which is even more in-depth than the book in some ways. >> and you got to meet mike
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smith, the guy you were meeting. >> i didn't meet mike, i met marry mapes whose book it is and dan rather was on set. >> wow. >> really intimidating. >> there was one day where bob, robert redford asked me to call him bob. >> oh, nice. we can't. >> that's a moment, yeah. >> it really was. this is like better than winning an award, i can walk up to him and say, hey, bob, like how are you? but we -- he said let's all go out to dinner tonight, so it was bob and dan and mary mapes, and -- and cate blanchett and me. >> bummer. >> and we started talking about current event and someone asked my opinion and i'm like nope. >> you opted out. >> yeah. >> smart man. >> i'll just shut up. >> take a pass. >> you also, we were just talking before you came on you're in abu dhabi filming a new movie with brad pitt called "war machine." >> the that's why i'm so high
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and tight and apologize for my haircut. >> looks good. >> what's that about? >> it's about general mckristol, another kind of government journalism film but it's great and brad's performance is like he's doing a really amazing thing. fun to watch. >> you guys are partying it up big time in abu dhabi, right? >> we've always been tight, and this is a chance where i called him up and said let's do something together. >> what do you call brad, brat? >> b. rad, bp oil. >> we're going to play two truths and a lie. >> al's version is two lies and the truth. >> might be better the other way. >> three statements, and you tell me which one is false. one, i can juggle five apples at once. i learned how to do tat summer camp. two, oscar-nominate the actress chloe sevene was my babysitter growing up. three, i once played the major
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general in the "bite rants of pensance" and i can perform the major general. >> and i think he fake stumbled other it. i think number one is the lie. >> your fake stumble. >> that totally got me, the fake stumble. >> well, i'm an actor. >> i have a lot of tape on you. >> and that's why bob digs you. >> and b. rad. >> topher grace. "truth" by the way is in theaters now. lucy liu coming up after your local news. you'll want to stick around for her. one of the cool perks of this place is you can eat as much cereal as you want. it's like i'm going to work to get some. alrighty. we just like cereal. we make it, eat it, love it, live it. (laughing)
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investigating a deadly accident in palo alto a good tuesday morning. 9:26. continuing the follow developing news, breaking news from san jose. the chp investigating a deadly accident. this in palo alto. a car struck and killed a bicyclist before 7:00 a.m. near christopher lane. the driver stayed on zeen scene. no word on the identity of the victim or what led up to the accide accide accident. election day. this is an off election year, voters are deciding important issues. in san francisco, voters are going to be deciding on proposition f. that's the measure restricting short-term shared rental units. another measure seeks to limit the recent development boom going on in the city's mission
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district to be a moratorium for 18 months. voters in san francisco are also deciding on a city's next mayor and sheriff. no more politics. now a look at the weather and traffic right after this break.
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good morning. i'm kari hall. a live look from berkeley. clear blue skies across the bay and the temperatures are slowly warming. high of 65 degrees in foster city. san jose 66 degrees. mostly 60s across the bay area and a few spots at 70 degrees. now mike with the commute. >> things are really tough. we have a tragic situation. southbound 8806789 a crash. a motorcycle is down and crews diverting around two lanes southbound 880 at 237 and looks at major injuries. looking at a full closure of 880. there's a tractor trailer there
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across lanes and diverting a lot of folks off on to montague expressway, tying things up. 680 is an alternate and oakland road and watch for more traffic parallel. that is a very tough drive right now through san jose. moving the map up, see anywhere north of the dunbarton bridge is pleasant. san mateo with a tough drive southbound and clearing around 92 and east shore freeway is starting to ease. the crashes moved to the shoulder. back the you. >> all right. 880 accident, we have the helicopter out trying to get aerial video of what's happening there and an update in 25 minutes.
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e taking a look at headlines, a u.s. military satellite detected a heat flash over the sinai desert in egypt at the same time a jet crashed over the weekend. all 224 people aboard the plane were kill. the heat flash rules out a missile strike, but if does not rule out a bomb blast or engine explosion, and this morning investigators said they are about to examine the plane's black boxes. drinking too many sweetened beverages may increase the risk of heart failure. a new study looked at the food and drink consumption of more than 40,000 men over a year period. researchers found two or more servings of sweetened drinks a day was linked to a 23% higher risk of heart failure. it's not clear if women or
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minorities though have the same risks. do restaurants that list the calorie count on their menus have an impact on what people order? well, according to a new study the answer for most people is no. researchers compared receipts from new york which require calories on menu items and from new jersey which doesn't have that info listed, and they found the consumption was almost identical. a shorter night of sleep with no interruptions could leave you feeling better than a longer night where you wake up several times. for a saudi at johns hopkins school of medicine one group of people was given a normal bedtime with forced awakenings and the other half went a sleep later and with no interruptions and by the second day the interrupted sleepers had a drop in positive mood that was almost three times greater than the later bedtime group. well, if you haven't already heard it is national sandwich day, and the world's largest sandwich chain is joining the celebration. subway offering a buy one give one deal at participating locations today. customers who purchase any
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six-inch or foot long sub plus a 30-ounce drink can get another sub of equal or lesser value for free, and at arby's you can get a roast beef sandwich for just 99 cents. good deal. let's get a check of the weather from mr. roker. hey, al. >> i'm hungry now, gosh. are have to try to do that as we're on harbor tunnel rokerthon2 and kicking off friday in the great state of hawaii and here's the forecast for you. we are looking at just a few clouds but for the most part it is going to be a spectacular next several days. you've got highs in the mid to upper 80s with partly sunny sunny skies. of course it will be 2:00 a.m. when i'm doing the show from there live, but it doesn't matter. it still will be hawaii. tiki torches and drinks and spam. yeah! that's what's going on a good morning. i'm kari hall. our temperatures are now in the upper 50s across most of the bay area. expected to top out at 64 degrees in san francisco.
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in the east bay, 67 degrees and also in the south bay. in the peninsula, expect a high of 69. while we do get up to 70 degrees in the tri-valley and the north bay. cooler than average temperatures for the next several days and the winds picking up this afternoon. so feeling a little bit cooler than these temperatures. >> and that is your latest weather. come on in. actress, producer and director lucy liu has appeared in more than -- like a warner brothers cartoon. >> i'm sorry. >> where am i? >> most memorable roles was the vicious lynn wu on the hit drama "alley mcbeal" and cast as " a charlie angels" and then went head to head with uma thurman in "kill bill". >> and now she's solving crimes on the tv series "elementary" and when sherlock tells her the pair is no longer to consult for the nypd dr. watson sticks by
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sherlock's side. check it out. >> when it comes to what we do, the only thing that matters to me is our partnership, so you go, i go. you offered me a job. i didn't take it to work with the police. i took it to work with you. >> well, you should know that my detractors are not limit the to the nypd. my professional prospects are quite bleak in general. >> we'll figure it out. we always do. >> there it is. lucy liu, good morning. >> good morning. >> now it's settled, the chaos is over. so good to have you with us. people know the fundamental story behind the relationship but this is a totally new spin on it over the last four seasons. how are sherlock and watson getting along these days? >> i think that their relationship finally has come to a very even sort of foundation where she's not his champion and not constantly try to help him and he's not trying to sort of
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poke at her in that way and trying to get her to say something that's negative and they are not just partners now but they are really friends, so it was her suggestion at end of season three to move back in which i think really has been helpful. i don't know. it's going to be wonderful because this year we're also introducing his father who we talk about a lot and the haven't actually seen before and seeing a family dynamic always adds an element of surprise, and i think in some ways comedy because people interact with their families is always very funny, mott for that person necessarily but for the audience >> the fourth season though, i mean, this is resonating so well with viewers. why do you think that is? >> i think that honestly arthur conan doile wrote something and wrote characters that were so rich and colorful that there's always something to draw on and i think that's why there's so many incarnations of sherlock holmes and people ren gaged, people that are fans and people that are curious about what did they do, and i thinked
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modernizing that idea is always going work. >> and you've also directed a few episodes. does that exercise different muscles for you in doing something like that? >> absolutely. it's such an amazing thing to engage with the people that you work with on a daily basis, but behind the scenes, because you really get to become more intimate with them and then it's a different sort of creativity, too, because it's not just this microcosm of i'm going to show up and act and do my lines and i'll interview with people, hits say. you'll do everything behind the scenes and you get to see, you know, how much work goes into even clearing a name or putting, you know, something on a paper, you know. it's really involved, and the i think it really gives you a better idea how things are done and how things are produced and created from a seed. >> can we just say congratulations because we understand you're a new mom too. you have a little son, rockwell. >> yes. >> he is 68 days old. >> 68 days. >> you're down to the day and the hours, right? >> around i know that because every day is just -- it's just a miracle and a dream because
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everything is so different every day, you know, so you're not even thinking about is it monday or tuesday or what time it is anymore. you're just thinking how he's changed, you know, from minute to minute and his reactions and also just how you are and how you grow as a human being being around another human being, you know, like that. >> i love the name, too, rockwell. >> is it rocky for sure? >> i hope not. hope not. >> putting that out there. >> at what point will you tell rockwell his mother was name checked in an outkast song. >> it will be a real long time. ancient by then. >> congratulations. the new season of "elementary" premiers this thursday on cbs. coming up next, bond is back in theaters, trump is taking over "snl" this i've been coloring since i was 19. my hair showed it. then everything changed with olia. garnier olia... the first, the only haircolor powered by 60% oils, zero ammonia. i love that, with olia... my hair gets better
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theraflu expressmax combines... maximum strength medicines available without a prescription... fight your worst cold and flu symptoms... you can feel better fast and get back to the job at hand. new theraflu expressmax. the power to feel it's olive garden's 20th anniversary of never ending pasta bowl. so we're celebrating by offering you over 20 delicious choices starting at $9.99. like creamy new pesto alfredo, or crispy chicken fritta. plus unlimited salad and breadsticks. for a limited time. at olive garden. i will take beauty into my own hands. olay regenerist. it regenerates surface cells. new skin is revealed in only 5 days. without drastic measures. stunningly youthful. award-winning skin. from the world's #1. olay, your best beautiful not yet. not yet.
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not yet! not yet. pull the peach! milk, fruit, cultures. mmmm, yoplait. delicious and packaged with nothing to hide. no secrets. just like our family. well there is one. folks, i'm not your grandma. just a handsome kind hearted drifter who wandrered in years ago and stayed for all the yummy sausage. feel bad about lying. nap time. i got her. seriously? i feel like i just woke up. ha ha ha! fully cooked johnsonville breakfast sausage. we don't make sausage. we make family. and sausage. the new bond movie is here and the next "hunger games" flick is on the way and we've got music from one direction.
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>> radio host she is can a shaw will help mark our calendars for the month. it's a good month, jessica. >> it is. >> lots going on. let's get started first, the new bond film "spectre" opening the 6th, friday. >> this time he's facing the evil group spectre which loyal bond fans are familiar with and his archnemesis. this is daniel craig's fourth time as bond but he recently said he's rather slash his wrists than come back for a fifth time. >> wow. >> so it sounds like someone is over martinis. >> subtly put by andrew craig. people will love this movie, saying it may be one of the best bond films yet. also on friday "spotlight" at fascinating movie about a pulitzer prize winning investigation into the catholic church. >> from the "boston globe's" pulitzer prize winning investigation into sexual abuse in the catholic church, this is a movie you'll definitely want to see. mark ruffalo, rachel mcadams, the cast is extraordinary, and if you want to get a jump start
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on movies that will be nominated for os characters got to the see this one. >> just watched it last night. it is riveting. the power of good journalism. okay. let's move on to the 7th, if it's saturday night it's donald trump on "saturday night live" on the 7th. >> absolutely. hillary clinton was on the season premiere and he's not like i'm not doing the segment, i'm doing the whole show and that's donald trump, that's what he was on last time years ago, but he's going to be hosting and he is going to be the musical guest so the cast member who plays trump gets the week off. no word on which "snl" cast member will play his hair. >> trump about a decade ago, a great episode. >> that's crazy. >> friday the 13th, new music from one direction and a new album. >> one d and the first time without zane, oh, my good and the last album before they take their extended hiatus which a lot of people think they are breaking up. this song we're listening to is "perfect" and everybody thinks
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it's about harry stiles' relationship with taylor swift because it's not a relationship. >> i'm a one d groupie. christmas music "love the coopers". >> we're just going to let that the go. >> i was going to go away from that. >> i love them, and i'm missing zane and i have a problem. >> she's honest about it. >> holiday season and time for a lot of dysfunctional family get-together. if you want to escape your own family, watch this, the cast amazing, diane keaton, marisa toe my and owe lifea wilde, want to get together for a nice christmas eve dinner, what could go wrong? >> jessica shaw, thank you. coming up next. hope for first class flights for some vips and some very some vips and some very ♪
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medications you are taking, and if you have kidney or liver problems. using invokana® with a sulfonylurea or insulin may increase risk of low blood sugar. it's time. lower your blood sugar with invokana®. imagine loving your numbers. there's only one invokana®. ask your doctor about it by name. i try hard to get a great shape. this i can do easily. benefiber® healthy shape helps curb cravings. it's a clear, taste-free, daily supplement that's clinically shown to help keep me fuller, longer. benefiber® healthy shape. this, i can do. with toothpaste or plain their dentures and even though their dentures look clean,
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in reality they're not. if a denture were to be put under a microscope, we can see all the bacteria that still exists on the denture, and that bacteria multiplies very rapidly. that's why dentists recommend cleaning with polident everyday. polident's unique micro clean formula works in just 3 minutes, killing 99.99% of odor causing bacteria. for a cleaner, fresher, brighter denture every day.
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remember the old airline slogan on something special in the air this morning we've got something that fits the bill. >> shiping the light on a group of airline workers going out of their way for special passengers. >> with priceless cargo and changing lives when they land. >> if it looks like this flight has gone to the dogs, you're not mistaken. these labs are all boarding a special plane with you a unique purse. truth is this only looks like an airplane, but it's firmly planted on the ground where two dozen american airlines employees are gearing up to learn how to fly with man's best friend. >> i love animals and i fly quite a bit so i figured why not parrot two together. >> for the flight attendants and the airline workers travel is their day job, but their passengers are all vips who have november flown, soon to be head for new homes around the country, where they will work as service dogs for veterans. >> to be able to transport a
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puppy from one destination to another. >> they are volunteering their time and flight privileges to transport service dogs to people in need. >> there we go. good boy. that is perfect. >> learning how to walk the walk and talk the talk. >> and then you say let's go and start walking that way. >> with the latest class american now has 100 employees as part of its puppies in flight program and plans to transport more than 200 dogs this year. >> a lot of people love puppies and dogs and they love to see them on the plane, but it's more than just that. i think that they feel the importance and the urgency of getting this puppy transported to where they need to go. >> push. >> service dogs generally spend 18 months in a program like patriot paws where they receive a remarkable and expensive education. >> this dog has learned how to use his nose to open a door, pick up a phone and bring it to its owner and use his mouth to
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open the fridge and pick out a water bottle but this pup has one more training hurdle. he needs to learn how to fly. >> trainers need to train the dogs to do whatever the veterans will do, so if the veterans travel and get on airplanes, then our dogs need to know how to get on planes. >> he arrives at dallas-fort worth airport where he meets flight attendant sharon johnston who has volunteered to take him on a training flight to los angeles. just like other passengers he goes through security and passes time roaming around the terminal, even stopping for a potty break before boarding. >> welcome to flight 2485. once on the plane, he settles in for threet-hour flight. he gets a little nervous during his first takeoff. after that it's smooth sailing under touchdown. >> passengers, everybody comes up and says bless you for what you're doing and i'm like i'm playing with a dog, but it does make me feel good. >> johnston has done more than 100 of these puppy flights which are free to the service dog organization. the flying is fun, but the
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feel-good comes from moments like these. >> i've handed one over to one of our young veterans who has come in and had ptsd and his mom said that was pretty much their last hope and within a week he was a changed person, and i've had two that i've handed off to children with autism. >> john o'brien's service dog was flown from florida to new york, a 28-year army veteran, he was injured in a rocket attack during his fourth tour in the middle east. o'brien was awar the the purple heart and bronze star, but the puppy he received from america's vet dog changed his life. >> getting quinn, the physical help that he gives me is fantastic and i think the emotional help that he provides, you just can't beat it. now home in rhode island quinn helps o'brien move around his house and gives him encourage to embark on a new journey. so great. it can cost as much as $35,000 to train a service dog, so the money these organizations save with free puppy flights allows them to train more dogs and to
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help more people. we're back in a moment. this is "today" on nbc.
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thank you so much. did you say honey? hey, try some? mmm that is tasty. is it real? of course... are you? nope animated you know i'm always looking for real honey for honey nut cheerios well you've come to the right place. great, mind if i have another taste? not at all mmm
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you're all right bud? never better i don't know if he likes that. yeah part of the complete breakfast got at couple of special guests off the plaza. kristen farrell and joey buchanan from johnston, iowa. running the marathon on sunday. i was standing at mile 23 and they yelled over to come and take a picture and now i'm being blamed for costing them 1 second of their time. >> it was awesome. >> how did you finish? >> was it worth getting the picture. >> i was feeling miserable and we saw you and it just made my day. really did. >> you ran across finish line. >> we saw your dad, your dad was behind you so wonderful to see you. >> had the whole family? how are you feeling today, two days later. >> looked great. >> up and down the stairs. >> down that i'm ... ==chopper== our
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breaking news: a live look from our chopper at a 9:56. good morning. we have breaking news for you. live look from the chopper. a big rig crash blocking all southbound lanes, all of them, on interstate 880 in san jose. obviously, several vehicles involved. but it's that big truck that's causing the standstill.
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no word on when the crash might be cleared but mike's going to have more on traffic in a quick second. in the meantime, let's check your weather. >> we are looking at a lot of sunshine across the bay area today and a cool start to the morning. expect a high of 6 in the east bay. san francisco up to 64. 70 in the north bay. also see a high of 70 degrees in the tri-valley and the peninsula an enthe south bay upper 60s with winds at times up to 30 miles per hour. let's see how the commute is moving now with mike. >> kari, back to san jose. not moving at all as far as 880 southbound. now this jackknifed tractor trailer. two tow trucks on scene and fire trucks. this has to be cleared before it opens up north of brokaw. another crash. this is the backup southbound of metropolitan gu and brokaw. lot of traffic heading to 680.
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northbound big distraction. in the backup, south 880 at 237 a crash of a motorcycle blocking two lanes, as well. jammed through fremont. anywhere north of there you're moving much better. >> we'll keep you updated with the next update in half an hour.
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not yet. not yet. not yet! not yet. pull the peach! milk, fruit, cultures. mmmm, yoplait.
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>> announcer: from nbc news, this is "today" with kathie lee gifford and hoda kotb live from studio 1a in rockefeller plaza. hello, everybody. it is a special boozeday tuesday november 3rd thanks to -- >> the sweet sounds of the jersey boys. come on! and james brolin and giada learning it for the first time. ♪ sherry sherry baby ♪ sherry baby ♪


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